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Natacha - interview

It's always interesting to take a tin opener to someone's brain (or heart) to find out what flavour they are, and what better way than to make them answer some offbeat questions. In the first in a series of interviews with cast, crew and creators, Natacha (who stars in the upcoming wolf transformation scene) takes the hot seat.

1 What 5 songs would you put into your life’s soundtrack?

Okeydokey, my 5 songs would be:

  1. Hans Zimmer - Run Free. Zimmer, the great outdoors, horses, freedom - bliss!

  2. Celine Dion - Destin. A good one to belt out in the car, even if no one knows what I’m on about!

  3. Dion - Runaround Sue. I’m a sucker for classic rock and roll music, and it’s great to dance to as well

  4. Dorothy - Raise Hell. Because it makes you feel like a badass, and who doesn’t love that?!

  5. Ben Howard - Black Flies. The soundtrack to life has to have a powerful, moody piece for those other moments. I’d choose this one!

2 During a zombie apocalypse would you hunker down or try to find help?

I’ve got a pretty scientific background, so I’d try the third option: study the zombies. Understand them. Look for answers, discover their drive, find an antidote. I guess most of that requires staying in one place, so I suppose that’d be ‘hunker down in a lab’?

3 If you could have starred in any film, what would it be?

Would a cartoon work? Because if so, then it’d totally be Pocahontas. I grew up in the French countryside and always feel at home around nature - and like Pocahontas, I’ve managed to deal with the sudden introduction of English culture!

4 If you went trick or treating as a child, did you actually have a trick prepared? If so, what was it?

When out trick or treating with my big sister, she’d leave me hiding in a bush while she rang the doorbell. When they’d answer, she’d demand ‘Donnez-nous des bonbons!’ (‘Give us some sweets!’), which was my cue to jump out of the shrubbery dressed as a 4ft witch and threaten them with ‘Ou on vous-jette un sort!’ (‘Or we’ll cast a spell on you!’). Fortunately, my arcane powers never had to be called upon.

5 If aliens came to Earth, would they come in peace?

Yes - if they’d advanced their technology enough to master intergalactic travel rather than kill themselves with it, then as a species they’d be more inclined to be inquisitive and benevolent, right? Peace reigns!

6 What does the future hold for you?

I’ve changed my mind so many times in the past about where I might be heading, that I no longer give answers to this one. I’m just excited for the surprises in store - let them come!

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